Saturday, March 1, 2014

Camps Bay

So before I make myself too comfortable and eventually sleep after what has been an eventful weekend so far, I ought to write…. Here goes
So today was f-u-n! well the afternoon part that coming up soon..
Morning was class, and I got a rude awakening as to the amount of work that I need to get done in a short span of time and the expectations that form the bar that I should meet and exceed in my dissertation. It was enlightening and scary at the same time.
None the less, today’s entry is mainly about the afternoon. But it won’t be understandable if I don’t start from last night.
See, I attend a students’ fellowship at  nearby university (Cape Peninsula  University of Technology) and we meet on Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30. Works perfectly for me and it is a great place to experience and share God’s love and His Presence. None the less, the fellowship had organised an outing to the beach for this (Saturday) day. We were supposed to leave at 9am and return at 4pm.
Well since I had a lecture in the morning, I decided I could catch up with them sometime in the afternoon after I got done. So I asked my friend if she’d like to come with me to the do. She said yes and asked whether we could get other guys too. And ofcourse my mantra where outing are concerned is ‘The more there are, the better’
So after the lecture about dissertation writing, my friend ******** who is the best organiser and administrator I know, got our other friends (11 in total) and we set off.
It was exciting from the word go… we had 7 Kenyans, 1 Zimbabwean, 1 German, 1 South African and yours truly… (the reason as to why I am particular about the diversity is that with the numbers, you can see what language was being used the most but also that we got to hear so many dif
a photo from the road... you can see the harbor yonder
ferent things from every one)... Since now we were too many of us, I planned that we should go to the Fellowship’s outing and say hi to everyone and then set off to the beach.
Before I run off with the story of how the beach was just amazing and all that, I must say a thing or two about us going to say hi to the fellowship…. At first it was awkward seeing as I had come with 10 people none of whom knew what was going on (they just thought we were going to the beach straight away) and had taken them to a gathering who only 1 person knew I was coming with an army and who already had their own program going on. Well, u can imagine… there were like 3 minutes of frantic deliberations between the leaders of the fellowship of what to do, could they interrupt the program for a few minutes, what were they supposed to do with us etc. etc… however in the end, it was decided that we just say hi and we leave… so after those 3 minutes (which felt like an eternity) we went to the front and those guys of the fellowship just loved us.. they made us feel so welcome and gave us hugs, smiles, cheers, and were so exuberant until my friends who had started feeling abandoned and weird just thawed and felt very welcome.. I personally loved it. It just proved to me that God’s family is a large one with open arms for everyone and just as soon as you decide to step into them… aaahhh… it’s like your mum has just enfolded you in her arms. You are home.
sadly i could capture the reality of the rocks which we had to climb but you can see how beautiful the place is
Anyway... so off to the beach we went… it was exciting! One of the girls decided we should take a ‘short cut’ to the beach instead of going through the main road… at first that seemed like a good idea but after one of us fell, and we all got drenched by the crashing waves that were hitting the rocks we were trying so hard to climb… we kept asking ourselves.. ‘whose brilliant idea was this anyway?’ lol… some of us who were lazy and unfit (yours truly ;) ) had to have some help from the guys pulling us up so to as to get on the rocks. We had to watch out for shards of glass and also just resign ourselves that we were going to have an uncalled for shower despite the fact that we weren’t dressed for it. But it was just fuuuunn. Btw that beach was Camps Bay
As for places to eat, remember we hadn’t had lunch and it was 1500hrs, we started looking for places to eat. Now Camps Bay is an area where food (and everything really) is generally expensive… seeing as it is a beautiful (and posh) place to be. We went to the first place and food was averaging R100 (around $10). For our German friend, this wasn’t expensive… but as for me where at home eating in a normal restaurant, good food goes for Tshs 4500 ($3), this was exorbitant! Seemed like the other guys agreed with me and we were trying to explain to the waiter of that place whether they had ‘student friendly prices’.. haha… you should have seen his face… the answer he gave us is ‘You are at camps bay!’ looool..  so off we trudged on… hoping to find a cheaper place.. and so we did.! ‘Kauai’ serves excellent wraps and sandwiches for R36.90 to R56 which is a far cry from the fancy place we had tried earlier… after eating and a healthy debate about politics, marriage, homosexuality and polygamy which something that only lawyers can do (i.e. talk all at once, and loudly, and about everything and anything without really putting feelings into it although each making their case passionately) we left..
Now, something I have noticed in town is the road-shows that happen… kids and adults do dancing (complete with costumes and all) and sing and play street football and all… all by the side of the road…and the rest of us tourists gape, at times join in and of course take loads of photos… so we saw one of those today.. a  group of ten or so young kids ranging from 10 to 5 years were dancing, clad with green waist sarongs and chest thingi-s and a young boy was beating a drum. It was sooo riveting and stimulating I just had to go up there and shake my booty—haha.. it was fuuun! (though I do worry how much of my dignity I left there by the side of the road)..
Yhor (that is an expression people here use a lot to mean absolutely anything) just thinking about it makes me do a little dance.. haha… Today was just great! Can’t wait for next weekend!!!

oh and p.s.. we saw a wedding on our way out! the bride in a beautiful blue dress!


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